Publications + C.V.
Assistant Professor of Latin American Cultural Studies, Texas Tech University
Women and Gender Studies affiliate faculty
Expanding the Circle Indigenous and Native American Studies faculty fellow
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2022. Dissertation: Life Politics: Race, Ecology and Dissident Aesthetics in Colombia, supported by the Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
“‘Mother Earth Liberating Herself’: Indigenous Mobilizations, Planetary Relations and Transcorporeal Solidarities in Cauca, Colombia," forthcoming in Interventions.
With John Beusterien: “The Llaneros, Bison, and Animal Domestication.” The Llaneros: The Ethnic Mexican Southern Great Plains, 1540-1880, ed. Joel Zapata, Alex Hunt, John Beusterien and Andrew Reynolds, University of Oklahoma Press. (Under review).
“Un witral de hebras heridas: tejiendo miradas solidarias en Piñen de Daniela Catrileo,” forthcoming in Romance Notes.
“Suturing or Puncturing the Social Fabric? Afro-Caribbean Textile Art and the Limits of Repair,” Journal of Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture 4, no. 4, 2022.
"'Una opción sutil de protestar: Literary magazines and subterranean resistance in Putumayo, Colombia." Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 30, no. 3, 2021.
"Desplazamientos entretejidos: imaginarios transicionales y la diasporización de la memoria en los Tejidos de Mampuján," Revista de Estudios Colombianos 53, enero-junio 2019.
Other Publications
“Corrido Vibrante/Vibrant Currents: Visual Poetry on the Llano Estacado,” co-authored with Jorge Hernández Camacho and Criseida Santos-Guevara, under review.
“Detonando miradas: una conversación con Amber Bemak y Nadia Granados” (Interview). Forthcoming (accepted) in Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades.
(Review) Carlos Gardeazábal Bravo and Kevin G. Guerrieri (eds.). 2022. Human Rights in Colombian Literature and Culture: Embodied Enactments. Ciberletras 48, no. 48, 2023.
(Review) Woods, Maxwell. 2022. On the Chilean Social Explosion. A Contracorriente 20, no. 2, 2023.
(Review) Paschel, Tianna. 2016. Becoming Black Political Subjects: Movements and Ethno-Racial Rights in Colombia and Brazil. Afro-Hispanic Review, Vol. 37, Issue 2, Fall 2018.
"Network Power." Critical definition published in Global South Studies: A Collective Publication with the Global South. 17 August 2017.
"Private Military Industry." Critical definition published in Global South Studies: A Collective Publication with the Global South. 17 August 2017.
Upcoming Conferences
“Entre la desnudez y la descolonización: corporalidades indígenas y pospornografía en el Cono Sur.” Intersecciones, Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades (AEGS), October 2023. Querétaro, Mexico.
“Subverting the Ethno-Pornographic Gaze: Mapuche Counterpoints,” panel on Transfeminist Bondings with Black and Indigenous Knowledges, Modern Languages Association Convention, January 2024. Philadelphia.
Panels Organized
“Rethinking Violence in Latin America: Biopolitics, Necropolitics, Life Politics,” Modern Language Association Annual Convention, January 8, 2021 (Presider/Organizer).
"Imagining 'Post-Conflict' Colombia," UVA Symposium on Art and Confrontation in the Americas, September 2019 (Organizer).
"Libros en Lugar de Armas/Books Instead of Guns: Libraries as Sites for Peace in Colombia," Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM), June 2019 (Co-organized with Miguel Valladares-Llata).
"The Pen and the Dove: Narratives and Post-Conflict Imaginaries in Colombia," Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Congress, May 2019 (Co-organized with Astrid Lorena Ochoa Campo).
Papers Presented
“Perfomando una solidaridad transcorpórea: ecologías disidentes, deseantes y travestis en Abya Yala,” Futuridades Feministas, Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades (AEGS), December 2022. Valparaíso, Chile.
“'Tearing Down the Monument of Sugarcane:' Indigenous Ecofeminisms and the Liberation of Mother Earth," seminar on Feminism/Memory/Activism: Forging Transnational Solidarities, American Comparative Literature Association annual conference, June 2022.
“‘Para Desalambrar la Madre Tierra hay que Desalambrar el Corazón:’ Liberating Mother Earth as Life Politics in Cauca, Colombia,” Modern Language Association Annual Convention, January 8, 2021.
"Jungles and the Colombian Conflict," Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE) Biennial Conference, June 2019.
"'Una opción sutil de protestar: Archive, affect and library activism in the Revista Literaria del Putumayo," Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Congreess, May 2019.
"Weaving Networks of Dissent: Displacement, Justice and Afro-Diasporic Memory in the Community Quilts of Mampuján," Global South Studies Symposium, University of Virginia, March 2019.
"Minimal Computing Workshop," Washington and Lee University/University of Virginia Digital Pedagogy Collaboration, March 2019.
Graduate Seminars
Cultural Studies Beyond the Human: Perspectives from the Plantation Américas (SPAN 5355). Texas Tech University, Spring 2023.
Undergraduate Courses
Picturing Pachakuti: Visual Culture and Social Change in the Indigenous Americas (SPAN 3600). Texas Tech University, Fall 2023.
Social Change in the Hispanic World Through Film, Literature, Art and Music (SPAN 2300). Texas Tech University, Fall 2022.
Advanced Spanish Grammar (SPAN 4350). Texas Tech University, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023.
Texts and Interpretations (SPAN 3300), University of Virginia, Fall 2019 and Spring 2020.
Advanced Grammar and Composition (SPAN 3010), University of Virginia, Spring 2019.
Intermediate Spanish (SPAN 2010), University of Virginia, Fall 2018 and Spring 2018.
English 1, 5 and 2, Universidad del Atlántico, Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores/Fulbright Colombia. Fall 2015/Spring 2016.
Advanced English Conversation, Universidad del Atlántico, Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores/Fulbright Colombia. Spring 2016.
Guest Teaching
“El cine indígena: autonomía, colaboración y soberanía visual,” Center for the Liberal Arts Workshop for Spanish Teachers, April 2022.
“El Sur Global: historia, métodos y conceptos," Center for the Liberal Arts Workshop for Spanish Teachers, November 2021.
“Comics and Participatory Action Research," Community Engagement in Spanish-Speaking Charlottesville, University of Virginia. Spring 2021.
“La obra del Padre Alcides Jiménez Chicangana en la Amazonía colombiana,” Literatures of the Latin American Jungle, University of Virginia, Fall 2020.
“Respuestas a la globalización neoliberal desde el Pacífico colombiano: el caso de CAVIDA,” Afro-Latinidad Across the Americas, University of Virginia, Fall 2019.